How Does Koala Rank Ensure Quality of Delivery?
We take pride in delivering 100% original content without compromising on quality, convenience, performance, or delivery timelines.
The way we ensure quality is simple but effective… Once a writer we trust sends their draft back to us, your account manager will run 3 checks:
- Fact-checking: we will look for any part of the content that may be completely wrong and/or misleading and either ask our writers to correct it if large enough or keep it noted and then edit it in the 2nd check.
- Editing: the piece of content is then edited to fit your branding guidelines in case the writer has forgotten some parts of them or couldn’t really nail the tone. Writers may need to rewrite some parts of the content at times.
- Proofreading: finally, the content is read out loud a few times to ensure that no punctuation, grammar, or flow errors are present. This is right before the final draft is sent back to you for review and eventual revisions.
Thanks to our process, our content pieces are tackled and reviewed by multiple people in various stages, making it easier to spot errors and keeping the flow of production consistent throughout your campaign.